Montgomery Village News Articles
Ballots for the 2024 Montgomery Village Foundation (MVF) Board of Directors election were mailed to homeowners on Friday, Feb. 2.
Seven candidates, including two incumbents, are running to fill the three seats on the Board; those seeking election are Pamela Bort (incumbent), Stuart Flatow, Brahm Gicheru, Susan Prince (incumbent), Jacob Sauber, Roland Talley and Thomas Wills.
At the January 25 Montgomery Village Foundation (MVF) Board of Directors meeting, the Board reviewed two concepts for design/build services for the renovation of the Stedwick Pool and Bathhouse, 10401 Stedwick Road, and authorized MVF EVP Mike Conroy to negotiate a contract with Keller Brothers, Inc. for design/build services for the renovation project.
Be informed, be involved, be heard and make a difference in the future of Montgomery Village by staying current on proposed County/State/Federal legislation, proposed development and transportation projects, happenings within and surrounding the Village, and talking to your neighbors and elected officials about what is important to you and your family. When the Village comes together on issues, it gets attention. Thank you all for being so active in the community.
Every year, the Montgomery Village Foundation (MVF) Architectural Standards Department performs scheduled community inspections. The Architectural Standards Department will be performing inspections in the North Village community this year. Once North Village inspections are completed, staff will continue conducting inspections in the Horizon Run Condominium and Thomas Choice Condominium communities.
In November, the water level at Lake Marion was lowered following a partial collapse of one of the toe drains in the dam. This issue was identified during an inspection conducted by Montgomery County, which is responsible for the structural maintenance of the pond. The lowered water level has exposed a sediment delta on the side of the lake closest to the Lake Marion Community Center.
In the week prior to the Montgomery Village Foundation (MVF) Board of Directors December 7 meeting, Monument Realty informed the Board that they would need to postpone their presentation regarding a proposed change to Area 2 development in Bloom Village to early 2024.