
Montgomery Village is a community of 40,000 residents. Depending on the type of residence and the location, residents are a member of one of 12 homes corporations or 11 condominium associations, or tenants in one of four apartment rental complexes.

All residents are also a part of the Montgomery Village Foundation, Inc., established to provide services and programs similar to those of a city government or township. 

Each community was built with a specific design in mind and although they differ from neighborhood to neighborhood, they are all in harmony with each other through the use of architectural covenants. Each community is also governed by a local, volunteer board of directors, who oversees the association’s finances, policies and common property. Some of these associations contract with the Montgomery Village Foundation for management services.

MVF Managed Communities

  • Bloom Village
  • Christopher Court Land Association
  • Eastgate 
  • East Village 
  • Horizon Run Condominium
  • Maryland Place
  • North Village
  • Patton Ridge
  • Park Place I Condominium
  • Park Place II Condominium 
  • Poplar Spring
  • Stedwick
  • South Village
  • Thomas Choice Condominium 
  • Whetstone