Montgomery Village News Articles

Whetstone Community Center to receive a retaining wall replacement after the 2024 pool season


Montgomery Village Foundation (MVF) Director of Recreation and Parks Duncan Mullis reported that at the April MVF Board Meeting, the Board of Directors considered bids for replacement of wood retaining walls at Whetstone Community Center. Upon review, the Board requested staff to seek bids for the installation of a stone paver alternative. Staff rebid the project to several companies for both the wood and paver options and brought it back for review at the July 25 meeting.

Mullis stated that the wood option retains the current aesthetic design and with proper installation, drainage and maintenance, can last up to 20 years. The stone paver option has an approximate lifespan of 40 years, but the change in material would require review by the Commercial Architectural Review Committee (CARC). Staff received three bids for each option.

The Board approved the change to the stone paver wall, awarding a bid of $26,056.15 to Shorb Landscaping—which came highly recommended—contingent on final CARC approval. The project is scheduled to be completed after the 2024 pool season and will be funded by the DU Reserves.

Other Items

Mullis reported that MVF has held the annual goose count in the Village since 2001 and noted the data collected for six parks, Lake Whetstone, South Valley Park, North Creek, Lake Marion, Ed DeSimon and Kaufmann Park. Committee on the Environment members, MVF staff and other interested volunteers counted a total of 573 geese this year, which falls in the average range.

The Board also appointed Vernon McDougall to the Architectural Review Board (ARB). McDougall is a long-time resident (43 years) and a licensed engineer with many years of experience managing complex projects.

President’s Remarks

MVF Board of Directors President Doniele Ayres encouraged residents to offer suggestions and/or requests for the MVF 2025 Draft Budget, which the MVF Board will review and discuss at its Thursday, Aug. 22 meeting. She also offered advance thanks to the Audit Committee for its review of the Draft Budget at the committee’s Tuesday, Aug. 13 meeting. 

EVP Report

EVP Mike Conroy reported that the county is working on the Lake Marion toe drain repair project, but they need to find a contractor. During their search, they have removed the orange construction fencing and are allowing the lake to return to its normal water level. When a contractor is identified, the project will resume and fencing will once again be placed around the lake.

Conroy also noted that Representatives from WRS—the Lakeforest property owner and developer—will present the latest Schematic Development Plan (SDP) to Village residents virtually, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. on Monday, July 29. The SDP, other project information, and the Zoom link for the meeting can be found online at, in the “Development and Projects” section of the website. He noted the first 45 minutes will be devoted to presenting the plan and the remainer of the meeting will be dedicated to Q&A. Advanced questions are encouraged, via the “Residents Time Question” form, to aid in facilitating the presentation. The City of Gaithersburg will receive public comment on the plan through Wednesday, Aug. 14, with anticipated action on the SDP scheduled for the city’s Monday, Aug. 26 meeting.

Conroy added that his report also included an update for the 2024 Strategic Goals, which were outlined in the 2024 Budget.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Tom Wills presented the financial report for the year-to-date (YTD) and month ending June 30, 2024. Wills reported that overall, all MVF funds were ahead of budget projections by approximately $806,000, driven by higher Revenues in Grant Revenues ($192,000), Camps and Classes ($130,000) and Pool Membership/Fees ($55,000). Personnel and Operating costs were favorable to the budget by $93,000 and $95,000, respectively. He noted that part of the Net Income is due to the reduction of expenses, in particular Personnel costs because of the vacant community manager position. He added total Revenues were $5.8 million and Operating Expenses were close to $4.2 million through June; both were favorable to the budget.

Wills said that, to date, 347 units had been sold in Bloom Village and 25 Overlook Condominiums had been sold, making Capital Contribution Fees favorable to the budget through the end of the month.

He said the Balance Sheet continues to reflect MVF’s strong financial position having $13.3 million held in Cash and Investments. MVF continues to hold more than $3.8 million in Undesignated Reserves. Assessment Receivables saw an overall increase from last year, and the Delinquency Rate for June was reported at 7.1% (598 units), with last year’s delinquency rate for the same period slightly lower at 6.1% (517 units).

Next Meeting

The next MVF Board of Directors meeting is Thursday, Aug. 22 and it will be held in person, beginning at 7:30 p.m. in the North Creek Board Room, 20125 Arrowhead Road. Meeting information—including the information packet—can be found online at in advance of the meeting.

MVN 8-2-24
Shade structures help maximize your time outside