Privacy Policy


The goal of the Montgomery Village Foundation (MVF) Online Privacy Policy is to outline the philosophy of MVF concerning the privacy of those who visit the MVF website. Specifically, the policy is intended to clarify how MVF utilizes information it gathers related to site users. Information you provide will be protected as described unless the specific web page says otherwise. Should this privacy policy be modified in the future, this web page will reflect the revised policy. 


It is not necessary to provide personal information to access many parts of the MVF website. However, some portions of the website require you to provide personal information to verify homeowner status. MVF will not sell or give away names, addresses or any information about its site users to any third parties. MVF will not otherwise release such information unless required by law. 

We respect the privacy and security of your personally identifiable information that we collect about you online. The following describes our privacy policy and practices with respect to that information. By your registration to use or use of the website, you consent to our collection and use of your personally identifiable information and other information online by us in the manner set forth in this Online Privacy Policy. 


MVF will implement this policy by placing the following statement in a prominent location on all MVF-owned websites.

Montgomery Village Foundation, Inc. Online Privacy Statement

Thank you for visiting one of Montgomery Village Foundation (MVF)’s websites. We respect your privacy, and we want you to know that during your visit to our site, you may be providing information to MVF in two ways:

  1.  Anonymous statistics collected as you browse the site, and 
  2. Personal information you knowingly give us.We want you to be aware of how we handle this information.

As you browse the site, MVF's computers collect information about your visit, not about you personally. Using server logs, we monitor anonymous statistics such as:

  • How many people visit our site 
  • Which pages people visit on our site 
  • Which browsers people use to visit our site 

We use these statistics to improve our website, monitor its performance and to make it easier for you and other visitors to use. None of this information is associated with you personally.Please note that you do not give us your identity by visiting our website; however, you do identify yourself by sending us e-mail (see Personal Information, below).


If you have any questions about your privacy and the Montgomery Village Foundation, please email us at, or call 301-948-0110. For more general information, visit the Federal Trade Commission website at

Approved by MVF Board of Directors – May 25, 2000
Revised by MVF Board of Directors - February 22, 2001
Approved by MVF Board of Directors – March 24, 2005
Revised by MVF Board of Directors – September 27, 2012
Revised by MVF Board of Directors – September 24, 2015