Montgomery Village News Articles

Letter to the Editor - Jane Wilder


I would like to thank the Montgomery Village Foundation (MVF) Board of Directors for coordinating the donation of the beautiful Cherry tree in...

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Montgomery Village Rotary Club keeps on giving


Did you know your local Rotary Chapter has been raising money (more than $400,000) for local charities since 1982? Montgomery Village residents may not be...

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Weatherization grants still available


Make your home more energy efficient, more comfortable and lower your energy bills! Apply now for free weatherization grants for upgrades to your home.

2022 MEA...

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What's happening in my neighborhood?


Homes corporations and condominium associations send updates of items happening in their specific communities to the Village News for print. Check out what's happening in...

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MVF awards four scholarships to Village high school graduates


The Montgomery Village Foundation (MVF) once again joined the Watkins Mill and Gaithersburg High Schools’ Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) to continue the MVF Scholarship...

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County Executive visits Montgomery Village Health Care Center during National Nursing Assistant week


Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich visited the Nursing Assistant staff at Montgomery Village Health Care Center in honor of National Nursing Assistant...

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Reminder: Please pick up after your pets - and other pet reminders


The Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection reminds all residents that picking up after their pets is not just a matter of public health and...

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Letters to the Editor - Robert Portanova


As we approach summer, let's imagine a tranquil, quiet sunny day—with only the sound of the wind and birds. Now imagine that same day...

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Village resident authors book to help families succeed


Project manager and Village resident Hilary Kinney, PMP, was inspired to write her new book “Project Management for Parents: Engage the Family. Build Teamwork. Succeed...

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Swing Time Big Band has deep roots in Montgomery Village


Long-time Village resident Don Hayden is a humble musician with a pretty big secret. About an 18-piece secret—Hayden leads a large swing band, and has...

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Montgomery Village man collects and ships donated bicycles to Togo, West Africa


Montgomery Village resident Daté Mienso has been collecting bicycles donated by Village (and non-Village) residents since 2019, when he first posted a request on Nextdoor....

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Lois Green-Sligo Chapter looks back at 100-year legacy of Izaak Walton League


The Lois Green-Sligo (LGS) Chapter of the Izaak Walton League has provided conservation and outdoor recreation activities for local residents since it was founded in...

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Moe’s Southwest Grill open in Montgomery Village


Two Germantown locals, Chirag Shah and Christopher Tyler, are bringing a taste of Tex-Mex to Montgomery Village. Shah and Tyler met at Northwest High School...

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MVF Student Representative Reflection


In 2021, despite the COVID-19 crisis, I was given the opportunity to work at Montgomery Village Foundation (MVF) and on the MVF...

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Lidl celebrates Grand Opening of Montgomery Village store on February 9


Lidl US, hosted a Grand Opening event on Wednesday, Feb. 9, to celebrate its newest store in Montgomery Village, 19225 Montgomery Village Avenue. A ribbon...

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Letters to the Editor - Robert Portanova



I would like to express my deep sadness and disapproval of stream (demolition) restoration projects currently being proposed along North Creek behind AppleRidge and...

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Official Monarch Butterfly Waystation installed at North Creek Lake


In partnership, the Montgomery Village Garden Club and the Montgomery Village Foundation (MVF) officially registered a section of the...

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Residents’ music documentary to air on MPT


In September 2020, Village residents Bryan Reichhardt and Suzanne B. Tolford released their 5-year labor “Anacostia Delta: The Legacy of DC’s TeleMasters,” which celebrates a...

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Official Monarch Butterfly Waystation installed at North Creek Lake


by Paula Brooks and Pat Cuff

In partnership, the Montgomery Village Garden Club and the Montgomery Village Foundation (MVF) officially registered a section of the...

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Montgomery County Recycle Right “Oops Tag” Program


The Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is highlighting its Recycle Right “Oops Tag” Program to inform residents about materials that should not be...

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