Montgomery Village News Articles

Montgomery County and WSSC launch 2025 SaltWise campaign


Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC) have launched a new campaign for 2025 that encourages county residents to moderate their salt usage during periods of inclement weather. 

The SaltWise campaign provides information about the environmental impacts caused by excessive salt application during snow and ice events. Impacts on public safety, preservation of water resources, and protecting wildlife from excessive salt levels in the Patuxent and Potomac rivers are the main focuses of the campaign.

There are steps residents can take to keep stairs, driveways and pathways clear of dangerous ice conditions, while staying mindful of salt usage:

  1. Shovel early and frequently to prevent ice buildup.
  2. Use only 1 ½ cups (12 ounces) of salt for every 10 sidewalk squares or 20-foot driveway.
  3. Sweep up excess salt after storms and reuse it.

Residents can also be proactive by reporting excessive salt usage on roadways. The Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) encourages residents to call 3-1-1 within the county or 240-777-0311 for assistance on county roads.

For more information about additional best practices for salt usage, visit SaltWise on the web.

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