For MVF Managed Communities:

Each year, Montgomery Village homes corporations seek candidates for election to their boards of directors. Interested residents are invited to submit applications for candidacy to the Nominating Committee of their local homes corporation.

Directors of homes corporations are responsible for setting assessments and managing the maintenance of all open spaces, streets, paths and lights that belong to the individual homes corporation.

Basic qualifications for board membership are time and interest, but whatever other knowledge, training, skills or experience one has will almost certainly be used in some capacity.

  1. According to the documents, a candidate is not required to be a resident of Montgomery Village, except in Whetstone Homes Corporation and North Village Homes Corporation, where the candidate is required to be a resident homeowner. However, resident candidates must be in good standing with the Montgomery Village Foundation and their respective homes corporation with regard to covenants and must be current in all assessment payments.
  2. To apply for candidacy, a prepared statement of the applicant's qualifications and interests must be delivered to any member of the Nominating Committee or to the Montgomery Village Foundation office, 10120 Apple Ridge Road, no later than 5 p.m. on the closing dates stated in the box.
  3. A candidate may be solicited or may volunteer. A resident nominating another resident must secure his/her written consent.
  4. The number of candidates is unlimited.
  5. All nominees will be requested to submit a single page (typewritten, double spaced) statement, which will be reproduced in the February issue of the Village News and will be sent to all voters along with the ballots (standard form will be supplied to board nominees).

Ballots will be mailed to the electorate either in December, January or February, depending on the specific corporation's election calendar.

In addition to electing directors, each homes corporation also elects a representative and an alternate representative to the MVF for one-year terms. Suggested names for the position will appear on the ballots.

Each board of directors consists of nine directors who serve three-year terms. The terms are staggered, creating three vacancies every year.

Applications for candidacy must be received by a member of the respective nominating committee or by the MVF Office by 5 p.m. on the specific nominating deadline dates set by each board. Information appears in the Village News each year.

For Non-MVF Managed Communities:

Contact your community manager for nomination and election details.