Montgomery Village News Articles

Whetstone Community Center tennis court renovation approved at July MVF Board meeting


During the Thursday July 27, Montgomery Village Foundation (MVF) Board of Directors meeting, the Board authorized Executive Vice President (EVP) Mike Conroy to enter into a contractual agreement with Pro Recreation, LLC DBA Sport Systems to renovate the tennis courts at Whetstone Community Center.

The four courts at Whetstone are in need of repair, resurfacing and repainting to restore them to good playing condition. Currently, the courts are cracking, peeling and have depressions and humps. Requests for Proposals were sent to five contractors and advertised in trade publications. Bids were considered based on the following factors: cost, time to completion and warranty. MVF received two bids and recommended awarding the tennis court resurfacing project to Pro Recreation, LLC DBA Sport Systems at a cost of $30,820, which includes the option for two tennis nets and two sets of tennis net posts. Pro Recreation has done work for MVF in the past, including sports court projects at Apple Ridge Recreation Area, North Creek Community Center and Martin P. Roy Park. The repair work is anticipated to be completed by the end of September.

Informational Item

On Saturday, June 24, MVF conducted the 2023 Goose Count at Montgomery Village parks, including lakes and ponds. The data collectors included COE members, MVF staff and other interested volunteers. There was a total of 491 geese counted during the goose count, which is in line with previous years; the count is typically around 500 geese.

President’s Remarks

Filling in for Board President Scott Dyer, Vice President Doniele Ayres asked residents to be mindful of the weather and careful when enjoying outdoor activities. She added that she was excited to see residents out and about in the community, and she is looking forward to the Guys In Thin Ties concert on Saturday, Aug. 5, at 7 p.m. at the Gordon W. Bowie Music Pavilion in South Valley Park.

Treasurer’s Report

MVF CFO Daniel Salazar presented the Treasurer’s Report for the year-to-date (YTD) and month ending June 30, 2023. He noted that overall, all MVF funds were ahead of budget projections by approximately $1.16 million, driven by higher Revenues in Investment Income ($412,000), grant income ($284,000), Camps and Classes ($114,000) and Pool Membership Fees ($55,000). Personnel and Operating costs were favorable to the budget by $179,000 and $51,000, respectively.

He noted total Revenue was $4,579,693 and Operating Expenses were $3,184,661 through June; both were favorable to the budget.

Salazar said 239 units in Bloom Village and 11 Overlook Condominium units had been sold, making Capital Contribution Fees received through June $173,000 versus $120,000 prescribed in the budget.

He said the Balance Sheet continues to reflect MVF’s strong financial position with more than $11.3 million of its assets held in Cash and Investments. MVF continues to hold more than $3.6 million in Undesignated Reserves. Assessment Receivables has seen an overall decrease, and the Delinquency Rate for June was reported at 6.1% (517 units). MVF’s current rate is 1.6% lower than the 9-year average delinquency for the month of June (11.2%). Last year’s delinquency rate was slightly higher at 6.3% (534 units).

EVP Report

EVP Mike Conroy noted that at Dave Humpton Park, the water fountains are almost completed after a number of installments needed by WSSC and the county. MVF hopes that during the week of July 31, the water fountains will be fully functional. From the county, the legislation that was proposed to bring back the airpark advisory committee was passed. Once the county executive signs it and MVF receives a full copy, the Board will need to determine a process for appointing a representative to the committee.

Conroy also thanked Mr. Salazar and the MVF Finance Department for all of the budget preparations underway over the last several weeks to finish the 2024 MVF Draft Budget. The draft budget will go to the Audit Committee on Tuesday, Aug. 15, and ultimately be forwarded to the full MVF Board on Thursday, Aug. 24 for approval for publication. It will be revised as needed and brought back to the Oct. 26 MVF Board meeting for final approval and adoption.

Next Meeting

The next MVF Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 24, as a conference call/Zoom meeting. Residents are invited to join the call; full meeting details, the meeting packet and/or participation instructions will be posted online at the week before the meeting.

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