Montgomery Village News Articles

Pool repairs and upgrades topped the February MVF Board agenda


At the February 27 Montgomery Village Foundation (MVF) Board of Directors meeting, the MVF Board approved action items to replace and upgrade components at two pool amenities to prepare them for the summer season.

The Board reviewed bids for pool filter media replacement and system upgrades for Whetstone and Hurley Park pools. The sand filter media at both facilities has reached the end of its useful life, and MVF staff has experienced sustainability and efficiency with the crushed glass filter media installed at Lake Marion Pool. Staff recommended moving to crushed glass filter media for both pools. The Board approved awarding the bids to B&D Pools in the amount of $31,995 for Whetstone Pool and $36,995 for Hurley Park Pool. The bid for Hurley Park Pool also included replacing the wading pool pump and filter, preventive maintenance for the main pool filter, and installing an automated water level control system to the main pool.

Also at Whetstone Pool, the Board reviewed a sole source bid to resurface the epoxy floor in the bathhouse, which is now 10 years old. MVF staff reported that this work is sole sourced because the desired flooring material is only available from one flooring installer in this geographic region. The Board awarded the bid to Durex Coverings, Inc. for $34,000 and authorized an additional 10% for any unforeseen conditions for a total not to exceed $37,400.

Other Agenda Items
Based on staff observations and feedback and support from the Recreation Committee specifically  to modify the pavilion rental program, the Board approved revisions to the Park Use Policy, Rules and Regulations. The policy now only offers a full day option at a slightly reduced rate, proving more flexibility on event timing and fewer reservation conflicts, as well as allowing for online reservations.

The Board moved to reestablish the Transportation, Development & Public Facilities (TD&PF) Committee and scope of duties as defined in the TD&PF Committee Guidelines and directed the Executive Vice President to begin recruiting volunteers for the committee. This ad hoc committee will serve as an outlet to help monitor development and transportation projects and gain resident engagement. This committee was established several decades ago and then disbanded in 2016 after many of the projects the committee was monitoring ended or stalled. In 2024, when some of those items came back alive and new items developed, the Executive Committee suggested that the Board reestablish this committee. Interested residents are encouraged to apply to this volunteer committee.

The Board approved the Community Statement as drafted and recommended by the Communications Committee, based on discussion from the 2024 MVF Board Retreat. The Community Statement can be found on the MVF website, under the “About MV” tab. The Community Statement reads:

Montgomery Village is a lively Maryland suburb of Washington D.C., housing more than 40,000 active residents from different racial, cultural, ethnic, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds. We encourage all residents to stay connected by participating in our community events and cultural initiatives, while promoting health and wellness through our recreation activities. By valuing our differences, we foster mutual respect, understanding and collaboration, so that Montgomery Village remains a thriving and inclusive environment for the many families and individuals who choose to call Montgomery Village home.

The Board also approved updates to the MVF Personnel Manual, as recommended by the Personnel Committee, to better align with best practices at similar organizations. The most significant updates included vacation leave accrual and leave sellback sections.

Lastly, the Board reviewed the final “Join the Conversation” 1 and ½ minute promotional video, which MVF staff created at the Board’s request to target Village resident engagement. The video resides on the MVF website and YouTube channel. The Board’s reaction was positive to the addition of the video, stating that it incorporated feedback received from the Communications Committee and covered a diversity of amenities and Village life to appeal to residents and encourage engagement.

President’s Remarks
President Ayres noted MVF Board of Directors Election information can be found in print and online at 2025 MVF Board Election, and she encouraged residents to return their MVF Election Ballots to the MVF Office, 10120 Apple Ridge Road, by 5 p.m. on Friday, March 14.

EVP Report
EVP Mike Conroy reported that a second string of townhouses at the Village Center was currently under construction at the rear of the property. He also reported that MVF received the first permit for the solar panel project and expected the additional permits in the next few weeks; installation will begin as soon as the weather allows. Conroy concluded his remarks by announcing that Montgomery County 6th District Police Commander Eric Stancliff has taken a new position in the Policy and Procedures Department. His replacement is Commander Brian Dillman, originally commander of the 1st District. He thanked Commander Stancliff for his hard work and dedication to Montgomery Village residents and the 6th District and looks forward to collaborating with Commander Dillman in the same capacity. 

Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Tom Wills presented the Treasurer’s Report for the year-to-date (YTD) and month ending January 31, 2025, reporting that overall, all MVF funds were favorable to the budget. Net Income was reported favorable by about $310,000, predominantly due to lower Personnel and Operating costs (about $24,000 and $45,000, respectively). Revenues from Investment Income ($201,000, a gain of 2.5% in January) and Miscellaneous Revenues ($35,000 due to a Pepco rebate) were both also favorable to the budget.

Wills noted Total Revenues were $1,137,747, which is 26.4% higher than the budget and 31.3% higher than actual Revenues for 2024. The increase year-over-year in Revenues is mainly due to Investments, which were up $216,000 versus last year. Total Operating Expenses were $870,254, which is 7.6% under budget and 41.9% higher than the same period last year.

Wills said 407 units in Bloom Village, 28 Overlook Condominium units and 5 Village Center units had been sold, making Capital Contribution Fees received through January $26,557 versus $31,458 budgeted for 2025.

He said the Balance Sheet continues to reflect MVF’s strong financial position with $14.2 million of its $31.4 million assets held in Cash and Investments. MVF continues to hold close to $3.24 million in Undesignated Reserves. Assessment Receivables has seen an increase of 9.3% compared to the previous year, and the Delinquency Rate for January was reported at 22.5% (1,905 units). MVF’s current delinquency rate is 2.2% higher than the 10-year average for the month of January (20.3%). Last year’s delinquency rate was lower at 20.6% (1,748 units). 

Next Meeting
The next MVF Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 27; this will include the Annual Meeting, which will start immediately following the regular meeting. The meeting will be held in person at North Creek Community Center, 20125 Arrowhead Road, with a financial report and awards for community members and MVF staff. Full meeting details and the meeting packet will be posted online at the week before the meeting.

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