Montgomery Village News Articles

MVF awards college scholarships to three Village highschoolers


By Olivia Ormsby, MVF Student Representative and Summer Intern

For the past 33 years, the Montgomery Village Foundation (MVF) has partnered with the Watkins Mill and Gaithersburg High Schools’ Parent Teacher Student Associations (PTSA) to offer the MVF Scholarship Fund to Village high school seniors.

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The Conservation Corps enjoyed serving Montgomery Village


By Darlene Richardson

When school lets out for summer, the students of Montgomery Village have many options. Some will go to camp, play sports, cool down in the pool or catch up on hobbies. This summer,...

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Whetstone Community Center to receive a retaining wall replacement after the 2024 pool season


Montgomery Village Foundation (MVF) Director of Recreation and Parks Duncan Mullis reported that at the April MVF Board Meeting, the Board of Directors considered bids for replacement of...

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Shade structures help maximize your time outside


Sunny, warm weather means more time outside in your yard.

You may be thinking about all the ways to maximize your time outside while staying cool in the shade. If you are thinking about installing...

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Plastic film recycling services now available


The Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is now offering plastic film recycling services at

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Are you making additions to your yard this summer?


One of the features of living in Montgomery Village, a planned community, is that there are architectural standards that all residents are required to follow with regard to the outside of their homes. These standards ensure

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Lakeforest developer to present plan to Village residents


WRS, the owner and developer of the Lakeforest property, has agreed to present their latest plan to Village residents. The current Schematic Development Plan (SDP) was submitted to

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Montgomery County Council confirms new county fire and rescue service chief


On Tuesday, July 9, the Montgomery County Council unanimously confirmed the appointment of former City of Alexandria fire chief and former Prince George’s County Deputy Fire Chief Corey Smedley to serve

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Results from the Montgomery Village 5K Race


The Montgomery Village 5K Race and 1-Mile Fun Run on Sunday, June 30, saw one of its largest crowds of both runners and spectators. Lining up to run, 234 runners conquered

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MVF Board holds annual Strategic Planning Retreat


On Saturday, June 1, the Montgomery Village Foundation (MVF) Board of Directors spent several hours discussing topics related to the future of Montgomery Village.

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Splash into adventure: Discover the joy of boating at Lake Whetstone


by Darlene Richardson

The shadow of a great blue heron crosses over the still water as it flies to its high nest on a secluded island. Ducks call to each other from across the lake. Fish dart below the surface of the water trying to resist the temptation of the fisherman’s lore. What sights and sounds await you on Lake Whetstone this summer?

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MVF seeks community input on two new park amenities


The Department of Recreation and Parks Strategic Plan identified bocce ball and disc golf as potential amenities to bring more sporting options to Montgomery Village. In April, the MVF Board of Directors approved moving forward to collect community input on these exciting projects.

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Update to renovation of Whetstone Community Center tennis courts


Due to a weather delay, the completion date for the tennis court repairs at the Whetstone Community Center has been extended. The courts are now expected to reopen by Sunday, May 26.

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New members installed, service awards given at MVF Annual Meeting


The Montgomery Village Foundation (MVF) Board of Directors held its annual meeting on Thursday, March 21 at North Creek Community Center. During the meeting, newly elected members to the Board, Stuart Flatow and incumbents Susan Prince and Pamela Bort, were installed for their 2024-2027 term.

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County seeks qualified community grant reviewers


The Montgomery County Office of Grants Management (OGM) is seeking qualified individuals with relevant experience to review and evaluate applications submitted to the county’s various competitive grants programs for fiscal years 2024 and 2025. Reviewers will undergo mandatory training, assess programs on a rolling basis throughout the year and will be compensated for their time.

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Montgomery County offers free tax help for income-eligible residents


Good news for income-eligible Montgomery County residents. Residents with household incomes of $64,000 or less can now schedule free tax appointments with the Community Action Agency's Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program.

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Looking back at my time as the MVF Student Representative


By Obehi Eromosele

During the summer of 2023, I was given the amazing opportunity to work at Montgomery Village Foundation (MVF) as part of my position on the MVF Board of Directors as the 2023 Student Representative.

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Lake Marion sediment removal in January


In November, the water level at Lake Marion was lowered following a partial collapse of one of the toe drains in the dam. This issue was identified during an inspection conducted by Montgomery County, which is responsible for the structural maintenance of the pond. The lowered water level has exposed a sediment delta on the side of the lake closest to the Lake Marion Community Center.

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From the EVP's desk: Driving factors of limited parking


One of the topics that I hear about most from residents is parking. Folks always want to know why there isn’t enough parking; why we can’t add more parking; why parking is so strict/why are pickup trucks not allowed; or why did my car get towed. 

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Lake Marion toe drain repair needed


Montgomery County has informed Montgomery Village Foundation that a toe drain at Lake Marion Dam has experienced a partial collapse.

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