Montgomery Village News Articles

From the EVP’s desk: Re-experience some of your favorite Village spots


Over my time with Montgomery Village Foundation (MVF), I have spent countless hours at the community centers, parks, playgrounds and sports courts; walking on paths and through neighborhoods; patronizing businesses at the shopping centers; and driving around the community. And even though a lot of that seems routine, I continue to find new things to be excited about almost every time I venture around the community.

Recently, while walking around North Creek Lake, I found several areas exceptionally peaceful and full of life—geese, turtles and even a blue heron greeted me on the loop. As I came back through the tunnel toward North Creek Community Center, I was happy to see up close how many folks were enjoying the tennis, pickleball and soccer courts. All the activity was justification for updating our amenities and made me smile broadly.

In the same manner, while giving a tour of some of the Village’s newest amenities to fellow community and recreation managers, I experienced a renewed sense of excitement for past projects. Being able to showcase what we’ve accomplished—and how we were able to do it on a reasonable budget—is extremely gratifying. But even more so when colleagues in other communities are equally as excited about how they can help bring similar amenities to their residents. Montgomery Village is on the right track and making sensible decisions to update our amenities. Others are taking notice!

When I drive down Watkins Mill Road and look at the changing landscape of the former golf course and what will be the extension of Stewartown Road, I am excited that the community will be able to welcome more neighbors who have the privilege of calling Montgomery Village their home. As this final phase is completed, an expanded walking trail will be opened, as well as long-awaited community gardens. I am looking forward to these places to experience another aspect of life in the Village.

It is in moments like these that I am reminded of the purpose of the amenities MVF offers: to provide unique opportunities for our residents. I took a turn on the embankment slide at Hurley Park. I did a few pull-ups and spent a minute on the elliptical at Watkins Mill Fitness Area. I sat on the benches at North Creek Lake watching our natural neighbors. I inhaled the crisp autumn air deeply and thought about how proud I am to represent Montgomery Village.

I encourage you to go out and find something new around the community. Perhaps that is an entirely new place, park or amenity, or maybe it is finding something different and exciting in one of your favorite Montgomery Village spots. While you are out, spend a few minutes relishing the landscape with the bright colors of fall foliage as a backdrop. Who knows, you may just find a new go-to spot (and we might run into each other checking out something new)!

Trash and recycling collection reminders
New Hurley Park Sports Courts are open