Montgomery Village News Articles

“Rocket Racer” claims Pumpkin Race victory


It wouldn’t be October without the Montgomery Village Great Pumpkin Race and Fall Festival. On Saturday, Oct. 8, pumpkins and people once...

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County installs ballot drop box locations for 2022 Gubernatorial General Election


The Montgomery County Board of Elections has installed ballot drop box locations available to voters for the 2022 Gubernatorial General Election. The ballot drop boxes...

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Village Center marquee sign to be removed


For many years, the marquee sign at the corner of Montgomery Village Avenue and Stedwick Road—that advertises the Village Center—has been in need of repair, and has been the subject of a “whose responsibility is it” type discussion. The sign promotes the Village Center, but is actually on the property where CVS is located; that property has multiple owners, including one who owns the land, and one who owns the building. The current state of the sign is disrepair, including a tree growing through the interior of the marquee area.

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Bid for Watkins Mill Outdoor Fitness Center approved by MVF Board


Since 2019, the Montgomery Village Foundation (MVF) Board of Directors and staff have been working on the repurposing of the previously closed...

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In Memoriam Rich Wilder


On Saturday, July 30, long-time Village resident and community activist Richard “Rich” Wilder passed away. Rich was a former member of the MVF Committee on...

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Dealing with mosquitoes around your home


In the summer months, Village residents spend plenty of time enjoying the parks and paths throughout the Village. One of the most annoying pests we...

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Proposal for more Pickleball Courts considered at June Board meeting


Pickleball has recently become a hot new sport to try, and with its rising popularity, the need for dedicated space to play...

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MVF Office equipment upgrades approved at May Board meeting


At the May 26 Montgomery Village Foundation (MVF) Board of Directors meeting, two office equipment upgrades were approved from the Reserve budget,...

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Senator King secures $2.5 million in bond funds for Montgomery Village


Before the April 28 Montgomery Village Foundation (MVF) Board of Directors meeting, District 39 Senator Nancy King provided an update on the...

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MVF Announces Board of Directors Election Results, New Officers


The Montgomery Village Foundation (MVF) Board of Directors held its annual meeting on Thursday, March 24 via Zoom. During the meeting, newly...

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Pool preparation bids approved at March MVF Board meeting


Before the Montgomery Village Foundation (MVF) Annual Meeting on March 24, a regular business meeting was held, at which several items were...

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New members installed, service awards given at MVF Annual Meeting


The Montgomery Village Foundation (MVF) Board of Directors held its annual meeting on Thursday, March 24 via Zoom. During the meeting, newly...

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Board approves items to prepare for summer activities at February meeting


At the February 24 Montgomery Village Foundation (MVF) Board of Directors meeting, several action items were approved in preparation for the summer...

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Annual Service Fee Agreement for Village Center units approved


Per the approved plans for the Village Center, Atlantic Realty Companies (W-ARC) plans to add residential units to the property to help...

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Organizational Green Plan approved at January MVF Board meeting


As part of Montgomery Village Foundation’s (MVF) 2021 Strategic Priorities, the Department of Recreation and Parks was tasked with creating an Organizational...

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Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service makes service adjustments as COVID cases increase among staff


The Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service (MCFRS) announced that the Omicron variant of COVID-19 is beginning to create staffing challenges for the department. As...

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County holds meeting to discuss Montgomery County Airpark activities


On December 14, county officials, leaders of the Montgomery County Airpark, residents, neighbors, pilots and flight instructors met virtually to talk about...

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Apartment complex concept proposed next to Lidl


At a virtual public meeting on December 7, Evergreen Investment Company shared a concept plan with the community for a new apartment...

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Assistant Director of Recreation and Parks to retire after 41 years of service to MVF


Scott Gole is to retire from his position as Assistant Director of Recreation and Parks after completing over 41 years of service to the Montgomery...

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Juan-Manuel Carrillo appointed to MVF Board of Directors


At the September Montgomery Village Foundation (MVF) Board of Directors meeting, previous director Joseph Hooks announced his resignation, and the Board enacted...

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