Montgomery Village News Articles

South Village Scenes

2025 Candidate Statements

I would like to continue my current position with the Board of Directors. I am one of the original owners in The Hamptons, having purchased my house on Royal Bonnet Circle in 1997. I have been involved in various community activities, particularly clean-up drives in our neighborhood. As a South Village resident, I am particularly interested in the maintenance of common areas and homes, and in keeping our neighborhoods safe and secure. I am in regular conversation with many of my neighbors in an attempt to understand their needs and vision for an improved neighborhood, and I foresee a number of further advances that can be made in the area. I have lived in the community for more than 24 years and watched it change. I would like to help guide that change in the future. I have proved as a Director in South Village my commitment of time and effort and will continue to contribute the same.

I’m Nancy Farrar, a resident of Walkers Choice, one of the seven neighborhoods in South Village, and I’m running for re-election to the South Village Board of Directors. I currently serve as Vice President of the Board and Chair of the Maintenance Committee. I am also a member of the Finance Committee and have previously served as President of the Board.
Over the past years, I’ve made it a priority to work toward the improvement of South Village. My goals for the next term are to continue to improve South Village, in particular with our physical appearance as a community and the continuing safety of our residents, while ensuring that we remain fiscally sound. Thank you for considering me for election to your Board, and your vote would be greatly appreciated.

South Village Scenes: for residents of Center Stage, Dockside, Grover's Forge, Hamptons, Millrace, Nathan's Hill and Walker's Choice.



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