Montgomery Village News Articles


President's Message: A season of change


by Doniele Ayres, MVF President

It is hard to believe that it is time to welcome fall. This time of the year winds down the current year and prepares for the next. 

Welcome, new residents!
I extend a warm welcome to all new residents and thank you for choosing Montgomery Village as your home. I am looking forward to seeing many of you at our New Residents Welcome Reception, scheduled for 7 to 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 13 at North Creek Community Center, 20125 Arrowhead Road. Come and learn about our great community!

Budget approved
The 2025 Operating Budget is a plan for the future of our community. Maintaining common areas and facilities, along with programming and activities that are offered throughout the year are reflected in the budget. The Montgomery Village Foundation (MVF) has also maintained its contribution to the Reserve Fund, a mandate for commonly owned communities in the state. Keeping up with the current level of funding ensures that MVF can replace amenities and components on a regular schedule, without the need for special assessments or large assessment increases.

As you read through the budget, you will see a reflection of some of the priorities and goals of the Board of Directors. I encourage you to read through the information included with your assessment letter about the roles and responsibilities of MVF and the Homes Corporations and Condominium Associations.

Association elections
This time of year, we are also preparing for the MVF Board of Directors election, which will ramp up in the new year. The Village News and website will have information about candidate nominations and the voting process. There will also be information about homes corporation and condominium association elections; your voice matters!

Happy holidays
And finally, as we look toward the end of the year, I wish you all a great holiday season and a prosperous New Year!

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