Montgomery Village News Articles

MVF Board approves Activity Card Distribution Policy updates, pool membership pricing and pool schedule


At the January 23 Montgomery Village Foundation (MVF) Board of Directors meeting, the Board approved changes to the Activity Card Distribution Policy and the Annual Pool Membership pricing,...

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President's Message: Looking back and moving forward


by Doniele Ayres, MVF President

In 1965, the Montgomery County Council gave final approval to the biggest rezoning application in its history. February 28, 1966 was the groundbreaking on 1,767 acres of Montgomery Village, and...

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Volunteers needed to serve on MVF committees


Are you looking to get involved in your community? Do you have a few hours a year to help keep Montgomery Village moving forward? If yes, please consider applying for appointment to the...

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We want you to know about the Montgomery County Commission on Common Ownership Communities


Montgomery County recognizes that a large proportion of all its citizens now live in condominium, cooperative and homeowner associations, generally called "common ownership communities." In...

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Gaithersburg Meals on Wheels is seeking volunteers


Gaithersburg Meals on Wheels, Inc. is seeking volunteers to deliver meals at lunchtime to elderly and disabled shut-ins in...

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