Montgomery Village News Articles
MVF facilities to see upgrades that follow Green Plan
At the October 27 Montgomery Village Foundation (MVF) Board of Directors meeting, the Board approved several items that are in line with...
At the October 27 Montgomery Village Foundation (MVF) Board of Directors meeting, the Board approved several items that are in line with the Organizational Green Plan and prepare MVF facilities for upgrades. Additionally, other housekeeping and community center policy changes were approved to reflect current procedures and offerings.
Recently, MVF was awarded $800,000 from the state for solar panel projects. In preparation of any potential installations, the roofs of all MVF facilities were inspected, and those on Whetstone Community Center (WCC) and the MVF Office were found in need of replacement. The Board approved bids of $22,690 to P.J.’s Roofing and $72,767 to S&K Roofing to replace the WCC and MVF Office roofs, respectively. Following other Green Plan initiatives, a bid of $17,419 was awarded to M.R. Electricians for the installation of LED Parking Lot Lights at WCC and Apple Ridge Recreation Area, as well as LED fixtures on the exterior of WCC.
Among other items revolving around the use of MVF facilities, the Automatic Electronic Defibrillators (AED) at all MVF facilities will be replaced, per manufacturer recommendations. Coro Medical was awarded the bid for $20,025.52; the current equipment will then be sold back to Coro Medical for $3,000.
Finally, to improve user experience for community center rentals and private functions, several changes were approved to both the Procedures for the Private Use of MVF Facilities and the Community Center Use Policy. Director of Recreation and Parks Duncan Mullis noted the changes were in line with current operations, and made sense based on previous pilot programs. Additions to the procedures and policy include: allowing rental events with light alcohol at Lake Marion Community Center (Activity Room only) with stipulations; adding Bloom Village to the policies; increasing staffing for rentals/community group use, and pricing increases to reflect the additional staff; and additional COI requirement, payment terms and submission dates for center use.
Other Agenda Items
The Board also approved several financial items, including adopting the 2023 MVF Operating Budget and setting the 2023 assessment rates (see full article here), as well as authorizing the ordering of the 2023 assessment coupons from Bank-A-Count Corp for $19,278.
Architectural criteria updates will be forthcoming for all communities, however, the Board approved revisions for Poplar Spring to include updated verbiage, and the addition of patio doors and garage doors to the current criteria. These items will be sent to the Poplar Spring Homes Corporation for further review and feedback.
Finally, the Board authorized Executive Vice President (EVP) Dave Humpton to execute two separate agreements for plans and permits for Theater Pond improvements. The stormwater management facility in South Valley Park is in need of work before the county will accept control of future structural maintenance. A design plan for the work was completed in 2009, as part of the Montgomery Village Marketplace construction, but was never completed, because it was not triggered by the second phase of work. Now, the plans must meet current Dam Safety requirements, and the design and permitting phase must commence. MVF received $1,000,000 in state funding for the main work on the pond, and $100,000 from the Marketplace developer J. Donegan Company for the design and permitting phase.
Gutschick, Little & Weber, P.A. (GLW) prepared the 2009 plan, and were again tapped to obtain the plans and permits for the project; the Board authorized $43,250 for this portion of the project. Geo-Technology Associates (GTA) was the preferred entity to navigate the joint federal/state application for alteration of floodplains, waterways, tidal and nontidal wetlands in Maryland. GTA worked on approvals in 2009 for the project, and works closely with GLW on similar ventures; $15,600 was approved for GTA’s work with the joint application.
President’s Remarks
Board President Scott Dyer commented on the tree planting in honor of Rich Wilder that occurred earlier that evening. He thanked those involved, including former Board President John Driscoll for the donation of the tree, as well as the MVF staff and Board members who attended the ceremony.
He also acknowledged the Fall Festival and Great Pumpkin Race, and thanked the Recreation and Parks staff for putting on such a great event for the community. Dyer also encouraged those in attendance to visit the local shops, especially those at the Village Center to support local business and keep retail that residents want in the Village.
EVP Report
EVP Humpton said he recently attended a meeting held by the developer of Lakeforest Mall, WRS. Representatives showed a zoning and sketch plan that would be filed with the City of Gaithersburg in the coming months. The plan showed the movement of the Transit Center from its current location toward MD 355, near where the BRT is proposed to be; he said a smaller station may remain in the current location as well. Humpton also noted that a restaurant and entertainment area was proposed near the corner of Russell Avenue and Montgomery Village Avenue. Although the previewed plan is conceptual in nature, WRS was hopeful to begin construction in 2024.
Humpton also mentioned an amendment to the county law regarding Common Ownership Communities. He said the changes are mainly administrative, but if there are significant changes that would affect Montgomery Village, MVF would be part of the process, when any hearing schedule or materials are released.
Finally, he noted that Central Park is being built, and although it looks complete, it is not ready to open; MVF is waiting for several final touches to be finished before the park officially opens, including sodding the dog park areas, which could take at least 6 weeks. He encouraged residents to remain off the property until it that time.
Treasurer’s Report
MVF Treasurer Steve Taylor presented the Treasurer’s Report for the year-to-date (YTD) and the month ending September 30, 2022, noting that overall, all MVF funds were behind budget projections by about -$839K, predominantly from Investment Income (-$1.6 million). This was offset by Capital Contribution Fees (CCF) which are favorable to the budget by $167,000, Pool Membership and Fees (up $71,000) and Camps/Classes (up $39,000). Additionally, Taylor said Personnel and Operating costs were lower than expected by $82,000 and $155,000, respectively.
Total Revenue through September was reported at $5.7 million, which is 16.7% lower than the budget. Operating Expenses were reported at $6.3 million, which is favorable to the budget by 4.7%. CCF was reported at $291,000 versus the $124,000 assumed in the budget; he noted that as of September 30, 139 new units had been sold in Bloom Village.
Taylor said that although Investment Income returned a loss, if this Reserve Fund detail is removed from the picture, the rest of the Operating Fund is highly favorable to the budget. He said the Balance Sheet continues to reflect MVF’s strong financial position with over $9.7 million of its assets held in Cash and Investments. MVF continues to hold $2.8 million in Undesignated Reserves. Accounts Receivables reported an overall decrease from last year of $106,000, which shows that the collection process is working and payments are being made on time.
The Delinquency Rate for September was reported at 5.8% (491 units), which is lower than both the 5-year average and last year at this time.
Next Meeting
The next MVF Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 8, in person, in the North Creek Board Room, 20125 Arrowhead Road. Residents are invited to attend; full meeting details, including the meeting packet will be posted online at the week before the meeting.
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