Before the opening ceremony of the Great Pumpkin Race and Fall Festival on October 15, Senator Nancy King and District 39 Delegates Reznik and Barkley, representatives from the Montgomery Village Sports Association (MVSA), Montgomery Village Chiefs football players and cheerleaders and Montgomery Village Foundation (MVF) Board members and staff dedicated the new Restroom and Concession Stand Facility in South Valley Park. The new facility is located behind Watkins Mill Elementary School.

The Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony was held during the MVSA homecoming football games, amid a frenzy of activities for the players and their families. Teams decorated the fences, siblings enjoyed a moon bounce and all enjoyed food fresh from new facility.

The restrooms and concession stand were a built through a partnership with MVSA and MVF using a matching state grant acquired by Senator King. In the past, park patrons used port-a-john toilets and MVSA had a converted trailer to sell concessions at their games. The new facility is a welcome addition to the park. Additionally, a restroom was built at the Gordon W. Bowie Music Pavilion, for use by patrons of the Summers at South Valley Park events in the summer months.