Montgomery Village News Articles

Letter to the Editor



Montgomery County is starting pilot programs in several parts of the county to recycle food scraps for composting. Montgomery Village is within one of the areas being considered for the program. If enough households sign up, they will start doing it here. The goal is to reduce waste in trash, and use the food scraps to benefit the soil as compost. According to their instructions, once the program begins participants will receive a kit that includes:

  • One 35-gallon green wheeled cart with a locking lid for food scraps for curbside recycling collection.
  • One 1.8-gallon in-kitchen/countertop food scraps collection bin for storing your food scraps until you are ready to place the food scraps in the 35-gallon green food scraps recycling wheeled cart.
  • Two boxes of compostable bag liners for your in-kitchen bin.
  • An instructional brochure on the food scraps recycling pilot program, a refrigerator magnet and a laminated list of acceptable and unacceptable materials.

The carts would be put out curbside the way we currently put out our paper and plastic recycling bins. So far not enough households have signed up for the county to start the program in our neighborhood. Please consider doing this—it’s completely free for participants.

You can find more information and register for the program at

Thank you!

Shireen Holman
Patton Ridge

New push button on-off system for court lights at ...
MVN 5-5-23