Montgomery Village News Articles
EVP Report: New bus shelter to be installed
New Bus Shelter to be installed. Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) will be installing a covered bus shelter at the RideOn stop at the intersection of Montgomery Village Avenue and Apple Ridge Road. This shelter will replace a bench that was removed due to age and deterioration, as well as to fulfill an ADA accommodation request. MCDOT notified staff of this change and plans to have the shelter in place as soon as possible, weather permitting, as it requires some concrete work to take place.
LED lights at South Valley Park. This upgrade, approved by the MVF Board in June, has been completed. Mledtech installed the new fixtures, push-button activation, and parking lot lights in mid-November.
MVF Facility Solar Panels. All the physical equipment is in hand and being stored on location for the contractor. There have been some permit processing delays with the county, and MVF and the contractor are currently waiting on the permits to be returned to begin work. Installation of the panels is now estimated for the first quarter of 2025 and depends on appropriate weather conditions.
WSSC water main project. As of November 2024, the contractor was to replace damaged curb from Centerstage to Centerway Road and then mill/overlay the asphalt in the same area; all asphalt work will be completed in the spring when temperatures warrant work to be done. Additionally, valve replacement at Midcounty Highway is underway, and casing pipe at Lake Whetstone Dam is estimated to be complete by February 2025.
WSSC noted that often when infrastructure is replaced, the result breaks in other parts of the lines. Especially in colder weather, water main breaks are common, and WSSC works as quickly as possible to repair those breaks. Residents are encouraged to sign up for alerts from WSSC through their Customer Notification System (
ARB Landscaping Criteria. Architectural Standards staff has been re-evaluating this document, considering resident and MVF Board feedback. The intent of the original request to convert to criteria was rooted in practices and features for drainage that caused
adverse effects on neighboring properties and/or common space within communities, as well to address some common aesthetic impacts. With that in mind, the document was stripped down to include the installations that have caused the most impact and revamped
as a guideline only. The work-in-progress was brought before the ARB for discussion and additional resident feedbackat the ARB's December meeting. A draft incorporating that feedback will go back to the ARB, and eventually, to the MVF Board in 2025.