After an extensive search and two sets of interviews, Kate Webb was selected as Montgomery Village Foundation’s (MVF) next Director of Architectural Standards. This position leads a department of seven staff and is responsible for managing residential and commercial architectural review functions and enforcement procedures. 

Webb is a Village resident, who has strong management and leadership experience, with a background in urban planning and community volunteerism. At her most recent job, Webb managed the business’s largest unit with 60 plus staff and a portfolio of over $250 million. She led the development and implementation of strategies, policies and processes for the business unit, all directed at improving business operations, ensuring productivity and client satisfaction. 

Her additional experience in human resources, finance, contract management and the regulatory process will all be important in her new role. Her strong communications and technical skills will help the department further community outreach efforts and identify technical solutions to enhance efficiencies and provide better customer satisfaction. 

Webb holds a Master’s degree in Urban and Regional Planning with a specialization in housing, community and economic development. This degree served her well as an active volunteer member on MVF’s Vision 2030 and Montgomery Village Golf Course Joint Property committees, both of which worked to set a vision for future land use plans for the community generally and more specifically for the shuttered Montgomery Village Golf Course. 

Having lived in both Eastgate and Whetstone communities, Webb understands the importance of architectural standards in our planned community, and during her interview, emphasized the importance of community engagement when updating architectural criteria and guidelines for both residential and commercial properties.