I want to start by thanking the MVF staff and our subcontractors for the quick cleanup after our recent storms; the proactive support is always appreciated.
I also want to congratulate our latest MVF Scholarship winners from Watkins Mill and Gaithersburg high schools, as we successfully complete our 27th year of this annual scholarship fund drive, started in 1991 (which was the 25th Anniversary of Montgomery Village).
The opening of the pools coincides with a lot of assessment account activity, as residents come in to the MVF Office to prepare for the summer. We have a phenomenal group of extremely helpful and polite folks manning the front desk, following established policies and procedures. They will treat you with great respect; please return the consideration. Activity Cards and stickers can be picked up at the MVF Office, with extended Thursday hours (open until 7 p.m.) and Saturday hours (9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.) through July 7.
A big week ahead kicks off the summer, filled with an abundance of activities.
Saturday, June 2
• The annual MVF Board Retreat at North Creek Community Center, 20125 Arrowhead Road, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
• The Fishing Rodeo at the Ed DeSimon Recreation Area, 8600 East Village Avenue, 9 a.m. to noon
• Yoga on the Dock at Lake Whetstone, 18701 Montgomery Village Avenue (also on Saturday, July 7 and Saturday, Aug. 18), 9 to 10 a.m.
• The MV Farmers’ Market opens for the summer at the Christ the Servant Lutheran Church, 9801 Centerway Road, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 
Sunday, June 3
• The Reagan Years kicks off the Summers at South Valley Park lineup for 2018 in South Valley Park, 19003 Watkins Mill Road, 6 p.m. 
Monday, June 4
• The Summer Session of Seniors in Action starts at the Stedwick Community Center (spoiler alert—Field trip on Wednesday, June 27 to MGM National Harbor), along with Pickleball, Arts and Crafts, Light Cardio Workouts, Total Body Tune-up, Social games and the Book Discussion Group. 
Saturday, June 9
• I am always amazed when I learn of a stellar athlete who walked on to their college or pro teams. If you are also not much for a formalized team approach, but want to “show off your athleticism,” then the All-Comers Swim Meet at the Whetstone Pool, 19140 Brooke Grove Court, is open to anybody in a “walk-in” format (pre-register by June 7). 
Friday, June 15
• Last day of school, so please be extra vigilant of our children and other pedestrians as you drive through the Village this summer. 
Saturday, June 16
• Boating Safety Day at Lake Whetstone, 18701 Montgomery Village Avenue, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
• Or forget the boat, and just jump right into any of our pools, as the summer season for all Montgomery Village pools starts this day as well.
Monday, June 18
• First day of Summer Camp for Camp Tiny Feet, Lake Marion Camp and North Creek Summer Club
Did I mention—following all of our recent rains, what could be more fun and relaxing than a rental boat on Lake Whetstone? Have you gone to the North Creek Nature Center, 20300 Aspenwood Lane, and clipped your trimmings from the herb garden yet? This is a good time of the year to get them started. The MVF Community Band awaits the pleasure of your company at one of their upcoming summer performances; the schedule can be found online at www.montgomeryvillage.com/recreation/mv-community-band. And to be politically correct, I should remind everyone about Father’s Day on Sunday, June 16 (Lynda, please share this column with our boys!).
As is tradition, I invite you to get involved. Volunteerism is the secret ingredient in Montgomery Village, and the plethora of skills and talents present in our community can only ensure our continued improvement if you and your neighbors volunteer.
Your input and feedback to me at garganmvf@gmail.com is welcome.
Best regards,