Montgomery Village News Articles

Clean Cuts


Suppose it is time to ’harvest” your summer plants. Maybe your zucchini is ripe. Or your butternut squash is all plump and ready to bake. Although you have noticed lately that your garden shears seem dull, you will use them on your vegetables anyway. But they just can’t make a clean cut through the stems. Clearly, your shears have succumbed to their constant use and need a good sharpening session. The Montgomery Village Garden Club (MVGC) can provide the solution to an irksome dull blade disfunction.

Starting at 7 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 11 at Whetstone Community Center, 19140 Brooke Grove Court, Brian Lindsey of StoneEdge Sharpening will be outside the meeting room sharpening these items: Kitchen Knife $6, Scissors $8, Lawn and Garden Tools $8, Axes $10 (or more if in bad condition). Lawn mower blades $15, although badly damaged blades might be refused. 

Put your items in a bag along with your name, phone number, a brief description of the problem, and based on the above prices, payment for the service. Cash or checks are preferred, but credit cards are accepted also. Multiple items may be wrapped in a dish or bath towel. At 7:30 p.m., Brian will be introduced to tell the club about the best ways to maintain the effectiveness of our newly sharpened tools.

At 7:45 p.m., MVGC Member Lawrence Tagrin will offer ways to enhance our growing season with a presentation on the cultivation of herbs and vegetables in the fall and winter seasons. He will make the case for the value of gardening in the colder months, what to grow and how to grow it. He will define the best time to harvest and explain how best to preserve your bountiful winter crop.

The Montgomery Village Garden Club always welcomes guests and new members. For more information, visit

County schedule for Veterans Day, Monday, Nov. 11