Montgomery Village News Articles

Stedwick Pool renovation project topped the February MVF Board agenda


At the February 22 Montgomery Village Foundation (MVF) Board of Directors meeting, the MVF Board approved several action items to replace components at current amenities, prepare amenities for the upcoming season or potentially enhance amenities in the future.

The Board reviewed the final plan for the Stedwick Pool renovation project, which includes input MVF staff has received from residents, the Recreation Committee and previous Board discussions. Total project work will include renovation of the pool and bathhouse, shade structures, ADA accessibility, and community center updates. The pool will remain heated, and feature a diving well, eight 25-meter lap lanes, an entry ramp, ample shade, a sun shelf with lounge chairs and a new hydrotherapy area. The Board authorized EVP Mike Conroy to enter into final negotiations and execute a contract with Keller Brothers, Inc. for the project at a cost of $4,583,815 from Designated User (DU) Reserves, shade structures from Capital Contribution Fees (CCF) at a cost of $123,700, community center improvements at a cost of $125,445 from CCF, and an additional 5% for other unforeseen expenses. The pool is anticipated to close in August 2025 and reopen in May or June 2026.

Other Agenda Items

Based on staff observations and feedback from residents, annual modifications were suggested to the Park Use Policy, Rules and Regulations. The Board approved updates which included: Operation Hours, Park Rules, Changes to the Lake Whetstone Boating and Dock Rules and Changes to the Athletic Field Use Fees.

Montgomery Village’s newest park, David B. Humpton Park, has been a popular new addition to the MVF park system, including the Village’s first-ever dog park and new playground areas. After concluding one season of park operations, it was noted that the playground area could use more shade. There were many trees planted in the new park area, but they will take several years to mature and provide sufficient additional shade. MVF staff investigated installation options for more shade to the playground structures without causing safety or warranty issues. The Board awarded a bid of $29,393.28 to Playground Specialists, Inc. to perform this work.

When removing the fountain at Theater Pond for maintenance and winter storage, MVF was notified that the fountain motor required a new power unit. After research and discussion with the maintenance contractor, it was determined a new fountain would provide a longer usable life with a greater warranty than just the power unit replacement. The Board awarded the bid for the purchase and installation of a new fountain at Theater Pond to Aquatic Environmental Consultants, Inc. for $13,949.31.

In the same manner, the 120-gallon water heater at Lake Marion Community Center has reached the end of its useful life and needs to be replaced. MVF received quotes from three reputable plumbers for the removal and disposal of the current system, installation of a new 120-gallon system, and a 3-year warranty. The Board awarded the bid to replace the water heater to P.C. Godaire Plumbing for a cost of $18,895.

Staff also recently evaluated trash removal and recycling services for MVF-owned properties and solicited proposals for new services from four companies. Service entails weekly pickup of five year-round dumpsters and recycling containers at the MVF Office, North Creek Community Center, Stedwick Community Center, Lake Marion Community Center, and Whetstone Community Center, and three seasonal dumpsters located at Hurley Park and Peggy Mark pools (May 1 to August 30) and at South Valley Park (September 1 to November 30). The Board authorized executing a 1-year contract with Casella Waste Systems for trash removal and recycling services for a base price of $15,912 in 2024, extending the contract for 2 years if the company performs favorably in 2024.

The four tennis courts at Whetstone Community Center are in need of repair, resurfacing and repainting due to cracking, peeling, depressions and humps. Requests for Proposals were sent to five contractors and advertised in trade publications, with returned bids considered on: cost, time to complete and warranty. The Board awarded the bid to renovate the Whetstone tennis courts to Sport Systems at a cost of $45,336. Sport Systems has performed other work for MVF, including recently at the Apple Ridge Recreation Area tennis/basketball/pickleball courts and the Martin P. Roy basketball court.

To prepare for the upcoming pool season, it was noted the dual lane red fiberglass slide at Whetstone Pool is showing signs of wear and tear and fading after eight useful seasons. Additionally, preventative maintenance (inspection, cleaning and polishing the slides’ rid surfaces, correcting minor fiberglass deficiencies and replacing caulking in the slide flume joints) needs to be performed on the fiberglass slides at Peggy Mark and North Creek pools. This annual, routine maintenance lengthens the service interval between more comprehensive and expensive major maintenance or replacement. The Board awarded a bid of $12,045 to Amusement Restoration Companies for the work.

Lastly, in keeping with many of the same authorities and jurisdictions that MVF followed during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Personnel Committee recommended suspension of the MVF Employee Vaccination Policy. EVP Mike Conroy noted that while MVF recognizes the need to safeguard the health of employees and their families, customers and visitors, the immediate reason—newness of the illness that was present at the time of the policy’s inception—is no longer applicable. As a result, the Board suspended the MVF Employee Vaccination Policy until further notice or such time as needed to be reactivated.

President’s Remarks

President Dyer thanked the candidates for the MVF Board of Directors Election and residents for attending the Meet the Candidates event prior to the meeting. He noted election information can be found in print and online at 2024 MVF Board Election. MVF Election Ballots must be returned to the MVF Office, 10120 Apple Ridge Road, by 5 p.m. on Friday, March 15.

EVP Report

EVP Mike Conroy also encouraged everyone to vote in the MVF Election and thanked the seven candidates for taking the step to run for the Board.

He noted the Stedwick Pool and Bathhouse Renovation project would be the biggest expenditure that MVF has tackled to date, but the Reserves were adequately funded for the project. He said this project will be another great upgrade for Village residents. Conroy then provided a quick timeline for the project: design work through August 2024; followed by permitting through Montgomery County; closing the pool in August 2025 (the end of the pool season); and anticipated reopening in May or June 2026, as a brand-new facility.

Treasurer’s Report

CFO Daniel Salazar gave a brief update on the 2023 Audit, noting staff was reviewing the audit report which would be available for review and recommendation at the March 5 Audit Committee meeting.

He then presented the Treasurer’s Report for the year-to-date (YTD) and month ending January 31, 2024, reporting that overall, all MVF funds were favorable to the budget. Net Income was reported favorable by about $64,000, predominantly due to lower Personnel and Operating costs (about $15,000 and $30,000, respectively). Revenues from Rentals and Fees ($19,000) and Capital Contribution Fees (CCF) Revenue ($14,000) were also favorable to the budget, with Investment Income unfavorable to the budget by $11,000 (loss of .01% in January).

Salazar noted Total Revenues were $866,409, which is 2.8% higher than the budget, but 27.3% lower than actual Revenues for 2023. The drop year-over-year in Revenues is mainly due to Investments, which were up 4.2% last year. Total Operating Expenses were $613,376, which is 6.2% under budget and 9.1% higher than the same period last year.

Salazar said 313 units in Bloom Village and 14 Overlook Condominium units had been sold, making CCF received through January $39,436 versus $25,000 budgeted for 2024.

He said the Balance Sheet continues to reflect MVF’s strong financial position with $13.2 million of its $30 million assets held in Cash and Investments. MVF continues to hold close to $3.47 million in Undesignated Reserves. Assessment Receivables has seen an increase of 1.9% compared to the previous year, and the Delinquency Rate for January was reported at 20.6% (1,748 units). MVF’s current delinquency rate is .1% higher than the 10-year average for the month of January (20.5%). Last year’s delinquency rate was lower at 19.1% (1,619 units).

Next Meeting

The next MVF Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 21; this will include the Annual Meeting which will start at approximately 8 p.m. The meeting will be held in person at North Creek Community Center, 20125 Arrowhead Road, with a financial report and awards for community members and MVF staff. Full meeting details and the meeting packet will be posted online at the week before the meeting.

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