
Commercial Architectural Review

In order to protect the special character of Montgomery Village and the investment of residential and business owners, the Montgomery Village Foundation, Inc. (MVF) has established commercial design guidelines outlining the procedures and criteria for evaluating the proposals of individuals and other entities for development or modification of commercial/non-residential properties in the Village. These guidelines are intended to reasonably accommodate the needs of business owners through the consistent application of reasonable guidelines, while protecting the community from incremental incompatible change.

Montgomery Village as it exists today is a result of over 50 years of planning and development by Kettler Brothers, Inc., the Montgomery Village Foundation, Inc., and numerous design professionals and governmental agencies, with guidance and input from residents and business owners. Throughout the process, it has always been the intent that Montgomery Village be a community comprised of neighborhoods, many with their own architectural character but all with unifying and consistent elements. Key to the viability of these neighborhoods, and the community as a whole has been continuing efforts to foster and support compatible commercial/non-residential development.

MVF Commercial Architectural Guidelines serve as a reference and guide to the Commercial Architectural Review Committee (CARC), staff and applicants as plans are made for the design of new construction, exterior improvements and miscellaneous items including renovations made to MVF facilities or new construction of an MVF facility requiring review and approval by the CARC. While not all encompassing, they are intended to clarify the process and provide a framework for maintaining the architectural integrity, quality and character of the Village without inhibiting creativity and innovation. MVF realizes that many projects have unique circumstances which may be evaluated on their own merit.

Commercial Architectural Guidelines & Review